This project started when a caring neighbor, Mr. Dennis, reached out to Gardner Goodall, an Americorps volunteer at HandsOn New Orleans, about lonely senior citizens, isolated in a high rise retirement building, who had lost their place to sit outside and socialize. Gardner led a team of volunteers to replace their homemade seating area and was delighted to see people immediately flock to the new tables and benches, bringing out chess sets, music boxes, snacks and more, even before the stain had a chance to dry. Their heartfelt gratitude spurred him on.

Since then, Placemaking Studio has been working with Gardner and fellow volunteer Max Wlodarczak, as well as neighborhood partners like Mr. Dennis, to help rebuild the life, connectivity and community of the neutral ground in Central City.

Recently, Michael, another neighbor, reached out for help replacing street furniture the city had removed from what had been an active gathering spot for over 40 years. Families routinely came here to grill fish, talk politics, play games, gossip, and more.

They loved and cared for this place.  Despite post-Katrina displacement, old friends still returned here to reconnect. In the clip below, neighbor Jane explains how it was an intergenerational place, where the old taught the young and watched over the neighborhood.

Together with Michael, we installed simple tables here. Again, even before finishing the installation, the community was instantly using it, hanging out to watch the Super Sunday parade and planning future barbeques and parties.

Through observation and interviews, we have discovered the vital social role the neutral ground plays in the city, especially in poor, underserved neighborhoods like Central City. We are working with volunteers, community  members and non-profits to secure funding for the incremental repair of this critical piece of New Orleans’ social fabric and the remaining necklace of special places that animate  the neutral ground.